Monday, June 27, 2011
Evening on the Lake
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Metro, Washington DC
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
In The Face
My friend Danny, the model< is by far my favorite model ever. His facial expressions are always spot on to what I need, and he's never afraid or embarrassed to pose exactly how I need him.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
This is a photo from my still-ongoing/semi-failed Project 365. As many probably know, 365 is a photo documentation of a year, something I was really looking forward to partaking in. But as the days and months wore on, I found the project becoming lackluster as I slumped into an even further depression and the activities which I normally partook in fade away. Music was my one and only outlet for the darkness I had in me, and I would play my guitars for endless hours every day. The music from this time definitely reflects it. Although upbeat in tempo, the lyrics reflected a much more depressing mood. But that's what music is for, for me, at least. I love this photo, and the way is truly portrays me as an individual.
I Am God
Another experimental shot from the Fisheye 2, which is too much fun. This was taken shortly after Christmas, when we had one of the many snow storms of winter '10-'11. I'm not sure what I had in mind when I took this, because i was literally going around snapping everything i saw that interested me. I was as surprised as anybody else when I got the roll back and beheld this image. God-like is the only thing that came to mind when I saw this, and I personally think it describes the photo perfectly. Not every photo that comes from the fisheye is exactly good, so when i get 4-5 good shots on a roll, I'm stoked on it. This goes down as one of my favorite Lomo shots ever.
I can vividly remember taking this photo. It was right after I went out to dinner for the last time with all of my best friends. The night before, I was forced to stay in the city because of train problems (damn LIRR) so I had to stay with my ex-girlfriend; a girl who I was very much still in love with at the time. It was awkward, but we were good enough friends that it just worked out. The next day, we decided to make the most of it and go out with her old and current roommates. We went to Maui Taco, one of her and mine's favorite restaurants to go to. It was September, so it was still warm out. We walked around Herald Square for a bit, just taking everything in. I had just finished a roll of film, so I loaded my camera with some super old Kodak 400 B&W. I had to stop and take this shot, while everybody else continued walking. I can remember her waiting by my side as I took this, and then the both of us ran off after everybody. I can remember her smile like it was yesterday, and I can remember us stopping on the corner of 34th and Herald Square just hugging each other. That's something I wish I could have back more than anything else in this entire world.
Interesting thing about this photo is that it wasn't edited at all. I took this through the viewfinder of an old Pentax K-1000, that belonged to my sister's boyfriend's dad back when he was a kid. I saw the camera at his (my sister's boyfriend) house back in December during a Christmas party, and I needed it as soon as I laid my eyes on it. After being given the okay, I took it home that night. My mother despised the sight of it, because of the grime that had built up on it over the years. I thought that just added to the charm. The next day, I loaded it up with some expired film and carefully took some shots. Seemed to work. This photo here was taken on a digital camera, simply through the view finder of the Pentax.
This vantage point is from one of my favorite parks, Gardiner's, which I seem to find myself returning to more and more frequently. It's a nice walk through the woods, which can or cannot be secluded, depending on your liking, and finally leads to a little stretch of beach on the bay. The Robert Moses Causeway is visible. Unless you have a boat, that's pretty much the main lifeline to get to the beach, and during the summer months, it can back up for an hour or two. The bridge is 3 miles long, but you wouldn't think it driving over it. Usually the anticipation of finally getting on the sand dulls the thought, or maybe it's the fact that the windows are down and the music is turned up. Either way, it's an amazing drive.
I only shot a few pictures on the Pentax day, on some expired Kodak T-Max Pro, which has YET to be developed, but surely will eventually. I'm dying to see the results. And I absolutely love black and white film, so it's been bugging me for a while.
This is from last summer, which now that I look back on, was a mixture of one of the best and worst summers ever. I can't make up my mind whether I hated it or loved it. My best friend Mike (pictured) and myself would spend every weekend at our favorite cove in the Great South Bay; Coast Guard. A calm little place where there's always old dudes drinking and waves are right through a cut in the heavy brush and across the highway. I can see it all so vividly, plunging into bottomless cove, grabbing my board and paddling over to the shoreline, walking over some old plywood and pieces of plastic playground which made way into rough grass. The concrete highway was always plenty hot, but I loved that feel on my feet. Onto the beach at this point, and I was practically running just to see the waves. A super good session and we'd return to the boat to sit back, listen to some Rooney, watch the sunset and practice our dives off the back. Mike posed for this one, and after a few attempts, I got the perfect image. The black and white really brings out the intensity of it. I absolutely love this photo.
This photo is from my favorite little Lomography Fisheye 2. My sister got it for me for Christmas, and as soon as I opened it, I was firing the shutter button almost nonstop. A lot of the pictures are just guesswork, as you never know what you'll get with this thing. Usually 1/4 of the roll is worth posting. This photo was taken the day after my birthday, March 18th. It was in the 70s, and me and my bro broke the longboards out for the first time of the season. My legs were burning, but it was totally worth. Also, broke in my new Vans that day too, so it was just an awesome day. I had an image of this shot in my mind for a while, and I was super anxious to see how it came out. I love it.