Saturday, June 11, 2011


Pedestrians by sir jeenyus
Pedestrians, a photo by sir jeenyus on Flickr.

I can vividly remember taking this photo. It was right after I went out to dinner for the last time with all of my best friends. The night before, I was forced to stay in the city because of train problems (damn LIRR) so I had to stay with my ex-girlfriend; a girl who I was very much still in love with at the time. It was awkward, but we were good enough friends that it just worked out. The next day, we decided to make the most of it and go out with her old and current roommates. We went to Maui Taco, one of her and mine's favorite restaurants to go to. It was September, so it was still warm out. We walked around Herald Square for a bit, just taking everything in. I had just finished a roll of film, so I loaded my camera with some super old Kodak 400 B&W. I had to stop and take this shot, while everybody else continued walking. I can remember her waiting by my side as I took this, and then the both of us ran off after everybody. I can remember her smile like it was yesterday, and I can remember us stopping on the corner of 34th and Herald Square just hugging each other. That's something I wish I could have back more than anything else in this entire world.

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