Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In The Face

In The Face by sir jeenyus
In The Face, a photo by sir jeenyus on Flickr.
This shot is from my first roll of black and white, ever. It was expired by many years, and every (perfect) imperfection shows itself on the slide. The roll of film was from when my sister had just started shooting photos. With her first camera, a Canon Eos Rebel 2000 (which i religiously use), she bought a slew of film before we went to Yosemite National Park, in the summer of 2004. She must have only shot a few rolls, because over 6 years later, there were still 2 rolls left, which i hungrily (and carefully) devoured. I had also had a shot like this is mind, and once the setting was found, BOOM. Carefully planned and executed, this shot came out perfect.

My friend Danny, the model< is by far my favorite model ever. His facial expressions are always spot on to what I need, and he's never afraid or embarrassed to pose exactly how I need him.

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