Saturday, June 11, 2011


5/365 by sir jeenyus
5/365, a photo by sir jeenyus on Flickr.

This is a photo from my still-ongoing/semi-failed Project 365. As many probably know, 365 is a photo documentation of a year, something I was really looking forward to partaking in. But as the days and months wore on, I found the project becoming lackluster as I slumped into an even further depression and the activities which I normally partook in fade away. Music was my one and only outlet for the darkness I had in me, and I would play my guitars for endless hours every day. The music from this time definitely reflects it. Although upbeat in tempo, the lyrics reflected a much more depressing mood. But that's what music is for, for me, at least. I love this photo, and the way is truly portrays me as an individual.

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