Thursday, June 16, 2011

Metro, Washington DC

Metro, Washington DC by sir jeenyus
Metro, Washington DC, a photo by sir jeenyus on Flickr.
I took this shot last year when i went to DC with my mom. It's amazing how much can change and how tables can turn in less than a year. The May of 2010 was when I blew opportunity number one (of many), a decision that you'll hear about later on, and a decision that pretty much ruined my life. That weekend spent there was just... great. It could have been better, but I got things back on track (somewhat) with a girl I was in love with more than anything in the world. But like I said, that's another story. While in DC, I spent time at museums, parks, etc. You know, the whole "DC tourism" thing. This was on my last day there, when it was rather hot out. It was the last train ride back to Greenbelt, towards our hotel. I just wanted to get a motion blur of the train, but when i zoomed in, this gem stood out, The passengers on the other side of the platform were perfectly silhouetted from the moving train, giving the illusion of people dancing on the Metro. I revisited DC again this May, and boy, things were different. My feelings were a complete 180 of the last time, and I was (and still am, partially) heartbroken. I tried recreating this shot, with a bigger and fancier camera, but to no avail. I guess it goes to show that some things just happen, and when you try to improve upon them, there's a 50% chance it will either go good or bad. Somewhat of a life lesson learned. Note to self: hang on to the good things. You'll regret it if you don't.

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